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Mommy report: Long weekend, short biopsy

We're home, and I apologize for the long break in posts. Braska's been busy being a curious little one, and I've been trying not to drown in my to-do list. The weekend went pretty well overall...lots of family visiting, some laughs, alot of driving for me and Braska.

The biopsy on Monday morning went well too. Super quick, and she didn't even flinch. She's such a tough little cookie. We'll get the results later this week, I think.

Alot of tough decisions to make right now, so that's the foremost priority at present. Prayers for wisdom in all things would be appreciated. I don't really think a win-win situation is so much one of our options anymore, so it's time to decide what's most important.

I promise lots of pics in the next day or so... today, I'm not feeling the greatest, so I'll probably be sneaking in mini-naps whenever a free minute presents itself.


  1. Thanks for the report! Take care of yourself and the "bear" and keep us posted, especially in regard to the test results.

    Papa Beagle

  2. I am glad it was not a big deal for her. It is not something that sounded like fun. We will be praying for your decision, and I know this is easier said than done, but relax in knowing that whatever you choose will be the right decision in the right moment. I really believe that.

  3. Mini-naps sound good.

    I'm thinking of you guys. It's hard being the grown-ups.

  4. Thanks for the moral support... didn't get any mini-naps, and only got farther behind, but felt better by the end of the day.

  5. just checking in; hope all is ok! :) Sending hugs!


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