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Showing posts from September, 2012

School Pictures 2012

I’m sad that my 366 has fallen by the wayside.  Seriously.  I wanted to do it so badly. I miss that I don’t document everything like I used to.  But we’ll try to hit the highlights… like school pictures!  They came home with the girls today. Braska. Kindergarten. Mrs. E’s class. (My guess is that the other shots weren’t all that flattering since the one they went with was kind of not straight on and the usual pleasant-stoic. Which is ok. Personality!) Kinlee. K4. Mrs. S’s class (This is the fake “cheese” or force a smile face. But that’s also ok. Seems like a classic first school pic. She’ll love it in 15 years.)  So far the school year is going great, in the school part.  The home part is struggling because apparently I don’t know what to do with 3 mornings a week “free” so I book them AND the rest of our days to excess and insanity. So the house is in worse shape than ever, meals are sporadic at best, and I feel too too too too too...