Today I had to go to the dentist . I don’t know if you know this, but I do NOT like to go to the dentist. Dr. Lindsey is very nice, I mean, but she makes me lay down. I do NOT like to lay down on my back in those kinds of places. NOT ONE BIT. I had to go there a couple months ago to get my first tooth out, and when I got there this time, I told Mommy and Daddy very clear that I wanted to GO HOME NOW. But they said I had to stay. This time it hurt a little more. I felt the big poke in my mouth for the shot. That was NOT fun at all. Mommy and Daddy have to hold on to me really tight, and they kind of lay on top of me when I’m crying really loud. I keep telling them I want to get up and be all done, but they say not yet. Mommy says, “I’m sorry,” a lot. Dr. Lindsey is really quick, I guess, but it feels like a long time. They have to put this candy-smelling stuff by my nose, but I don’t like that either. When...