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Showing posts from July, 2010

Mommy life: Personality changes

Lately, Braska has been showing signs of some changes. Not only is she growing physically—which she IS doing, though SO slowly—but she is really exhibiting changes in her personality.  Some are fun, and some are quite frustrating.   She’s 3. Someone must have told her that 3-year-olds are famous for being difficult.  Now, in fairness, and because I know there are some who will defend Miss B, she is nowhere near a “difficult child.”  But she has found her independent streak a little bit, and she has decided that she knows best in many cases.  These are good things, great milestones, really.  But it sure has made life more interesting and challenging around the house.   One nice thing is that when she disagrees with an instruction or does not want to cooperate in some way, she says, “No-fank-you” very quickly, like one word, but at least it’s polite.  It’s a hit with people who offer her a bite of food or something like that, generally peopl...

New place to swim!

Don’t we look so excited!  (Me and KiKi have not been very good to give Mommy good pictures lately.  She takes A LOT,  you know!) Some very nice people made it so we get to go to the Y now.  Thank you!! We tried it out yesterday to see if we liked it.  AND WE DID!  At least the swimming is very fun there, so I think we’ll do that a lot.  They also have a fun play room where we can go when Mommy and Daddy want to go and do big people stuff, too. Mommy looked very tired when we got home, though.  It took us a very long time to get to the right place and to get dressed and all.  And sometimes me and KiKi like to go away from where Mommy is.  And since she’s carrying all the stuff, like our bags and floaty boats, it’s a pretty fun game to go look at other stuff instead of walking with her like we’re supposed to do.  She doesn’t like that game much. But we had lots of fun. Mommy pushed us in our boats while she was swimming up...

Summer Sunday Style

This week on Sunday we got dressed and did our pictures again.  We haven’t done them in a while because someone has been sick on the last few Sundays, so we have missed church.  This week, we got dressed and went to PaPaw’s church. (See note at the end about these clothes.) (Mommy note: That one above is one of my favorite pics of the girls, and check out this crop from it of Braska.  Gorgeous!  I never get this good a shot, but Daddy took this one and must have said just the right thing.) KiKi wore some of my clothes.  We share alot of them lately.  She always wants to wear my stuff.  Isn’t this funny???  I wore the same thing a few weeks ago.  Same clothes!   KiKi gets pretty silly sometimes.  She likes to show her belly lately! After church, we all went to eat before PaPaw went on a little trip to see his mommy and daddy.  They gave me and KiKi these hats to wear while we were coloring.  ...

Good to be home

We had a really good time at Grammy’s, but it’s nice to be back home again.  We’ve been playing around and being silly. I was sitting on Daddy’s lap and chewing on my toe. Because I can. So Daddy thought he would try it to, but he’s not so good at folding up his self like me.  So I just gave him my foot to taste so he wouldn’t have to hurt his leg or something.  KiKi sometimes climbs on top of me after she knocks me over when I’m sitting on the floor.  She just grabs me and we laugh when we’re on the floor.  But then she gets on my belly so I can’t get up. I try to tickle her when she’s sitting on me, but then she just laughs and flops over on me! Hope you’re having a fun weekend, too!

Off to Grammy’s

Me and KiKi are going to play at Grammy’s for a few days.  We are excited to see PaPa, Auntie Joy, and Auntie Ju!

Shades of summer

Big girl bed!

My bed is a little different now, but it’s the same bed.  It can be changed all around for little tiny babies and big kids, all the way to old people like Mommy!  I won’t ever have to get any other bed! The other day, Mommy and Daddy were in my room doing some stuff while me and KiKi were playing in the playroom.  Daddy moved my bed a little lower to the floor and took off the thing on the side that made it where I couldn’t get out. So now I can get in and out of my bed by myself, though I don’t really like to get out. I just like to climb in there and sit and play for a long time.  And I napped and slept at night time and I didn’t fall out or anything!

Pretty Solana

Mommy just heard about this today… there’s a cute little girl who is in a contest to try to get her picture on the front of a big magazine.  She’s “extra” special like me, and we think it would be SUPER cool if she could win!!!  Right now she is in 1st place, but she needs to make sure and get the most votes. Click here to see her picture and vote for her !  Tell everybody at your blog too! (Mommy note: Registration is required to vote.  I know that can be annoying, but really, you don’t have to sign up for anything to buy or anything like that… and if we could get a little girl with DS on the cover of PARENTS magazine, printed for millions… that would be pretty cool!  It took me barely over 60 seconds. SO worth the time!) Here’s part of what Mommy got to tell her about Solana… My husband and and I have been blessed with two beautiful girls. Soledad is almost 5 and Solana is 2 1/2. When Solana was born and we were told she had Down syndrome our lives ...


We have a new game that me and KiKi like to play. Mommy showed it to us last week when we were playing outside while Daddy worked on the fence. KiKi calls it "Rosies!" and she wants to play it ALL the time! Here's a little movie of the first day we learned it. (Warning: Very annoying parental verbalizations in the following videos.) Make an on-line slide show at And then we tried again last night when we were playing in the living room... silliness! Photo and video editing at (Mommy note: I don't generally have the girls in the "diapers only" fashion, mostly because Braska doesn't want to leave her g-button alone when it's just right out there for the world to see. Braska was feverish a little earlier, so to try to cool her off, I stripped her down. Clearly, it helped some, as she was feeling a little better for a while. These are the kinds of videos that aren't especially special, but they ARE the kind ...