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The Four B’s of Me!

Are you excited?  I am!  It’s time to show you what I’m going to give away to some of you—my best bloggy buddies!

There are four things I love a whole bunch.  And they all start with my favorite letter—B for Braska!  So we’re going to share some of my favorite things with my favorite people.  Sometimes I get things that I like all messy because I use them a lot. But don’t worry, these aren’t things I got dirty or messy.  They are all brand new, just for you!

The first B is Bows!  I learned when I was a very tiny baby that it is not EVER ok to go anywhere at all without a bow. Sometimes I even wear two of them!  If Mommy doesn’t remember, I tell her it’s time for my bow before we get done getting dressed.  She trained me up good. (KiKi even tells Mommy she needs bows too.  I taught her about it.)

Mommy and I picked out some really cute colors from some ribbons that we found, and I even helped put them together.  So we have a set of 4 pairs of bows for you to win!

There’s one with dots, one with stripes, one with cute pink ladybugs, and one with footballs!!

The second B I love is Baby Signing Time!!!  If you have been reading my stories for very long, you know all about how much I like it.  I have a brand new movie of A New Day, even still in the shiny wrapper, but it’s an extra one because I already have that one.  Did you know that Miss Rachel, the one who is in the Baby Signing Time movies gave it to me herself??  We tried to give it to the library, but they didn’t want it. Isn’t that weird?  They said they already had enough.  Crazy people!  You can’t EVER have enough Baby Signing Time!  So I thought I’d share it with you! 

The third B is for Blogging!  It seems silly that I should even tell you that one. Because you already know I love telling my stories on my blog!

So I’m going to help Mommy do a fancy new look for somebody’s blog!  You can tell us what you like, what colors are your favorite, you can send us pictures to use if you want, too.  We can make it however you like, as long as we know how. We are still learning, you know.  But it’s going to be pretty fun! 

Oh, and if you don’t have a blog, that’s ok.  We’ll do something really cool for some of your pictures so that you can hang them on the wall or put them in a book, but they will look really special!

And the last B that I love is BabyLegs!!!  It’s too warm right now, but soon it will be cold again, and these are the best things for keeping warm AND looking so cute.     

We have 4 pairs that we will send you, some work for girls or boys, and some are for bumblebees, I think.  Did you see that one?  Anyway, they work for babies and for bigger kids like me, and you will love them as much as I do!

So what do you think?  Isn’t that some good stuff?  If you win, you can keep them or  you can give them to someone else for a present or something.  It’s really fun to give stuff to other people, you know. 

If you want to play our giveaway game with us, here’s how you do it…

1. Leave us a note on this post to tell us that you want to win something!  Tell us if you want to try to win all 4 B’s or which ones you want if there’s only one or two that you would want to win. 

2. You can get an extra chance to win if you put a story on YOUR blog to tell your friends about our giveaway game. Just don’t forget to tell us where to come see it!

3.  And if you get on our Followers list of friends, then you get in TWO TIMES also!

We’ll pick the winners in one week, on Tuesday, June 22. 

YAY!!  Giveaway games are fun!!!  Have a great week, everyone!


  1. WOW, Braska you know how to do a giveaway! Count us in on the fun!

  2. Okay Miss Braska... Addy said that she wants to try to win the Baby Legs because she doesn't have any! She has the DVD and more bows than Mommy wants to admit, so Baby Legs PLEASE???

  3. Braska, you pick some awesome stuff to share with your friends. Of all the B's your sharing, my favorite thing is a "b"log design. I am a "b"ig fan of your mommy's and would love a "b"loggity makeover. We also LOOOOVE Signing Time! I think my chunkaroos are too "b"ig for "b"abylegs, though. And Lucy won't keep anything in her hair. I could try the "b"ows for "B"rodie, but he might look a little silly!

  4. What a fun game you are playing, Sweetie Peach! I wish I had little ones who would need your things. I'm sure someone in your blog world needs them very much. It's SO much fun to give things away!! Love you!

  5. Hello again Ms. Braska! Since Mataya isn't quite here yet, as her Mommy, I would be happy to have any of the prizes! I love your blog and will be reading it to Mataya too as soon as she gets here :)

  6. Ella would love to win any of those things (except we already have the video) and Ella's mommy would love to win the blog makeover!!!

  7. Sweet Braska, your friend Nichole would like the tights, and I (the mommy) would love a blog makeover :)

  8. It IS more blessed to give than receive!

  9. Wow! I checked back with you just in time Braska! We have been quite busy with Mattie and her sisters. We've missed visiting all our blogger friends. Mattie's favorite things are babylegs!

  10. I want to win! :) I love the babylegs and the signing time movie! :)

  11. I would love to win the video for my classroom!

  12. Braska~

    You are too cute for words (Kiki too).. Evan would love a blog re-do.. Your mommy does such a GREAT job on them.. I can't pass you up.. I don't know how to post much or link you to put a post up..(I am blogging silly).. But check out Evan's blog sometime soon.. He had an exciting weekend that he is excited to talk about.

    Jessi & Evan

  13. oooh, a contest. I like my blog like it is, and I don't know if babylegs fit anymore (although the bee ones are supercute, and Abby does call herself BEE!), but the bows and DVD would be great.


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