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End of day 5

Today was a good day with some not-so-good spots in it. Grandma C and Miss Karen came to visit this morning, and they always tell me how pretty I am. Every girl likes to hear that.
Mommy came while they were there and she stayed with me all day. We spent some good time rocking and talking again. She sang songs to me that we listen to alot at home... I'm Your Moon (my Pop's special song for me), Code Monkey, and You Ruined Everything, among others.

The not-so-good spots were two spells of some pretty bad belly pain that made me really hurt and really mad for a really long time. Mommy stayed real calm, even when I screamed and kicked her real hard. I just kept trying to tell her how much my belly was hurting, but she couldn't fix it, even though she tried medicine and good cuddles. The nurse was not happy with me because my heart rate got way too high, up to 194. She finally talked me into calming down, and then I was so tired that I slept for a while.

JP, Jeremy, and Linda came to visit me and Mommy from Champaign today too. They're from my church, and Mommy told me how special I am to get a visit from them this far from home. So thank you for coming, y'all!

I got rid of my last chest tube today, too, so I'm almost completely disconnected...only monitors are left! I was going to get moved to the TCU today, but they are still full and don't have room for me, so I'll stay in PICU one more night. I hope tomorrow I can move to TCU because then Mommy will come and be my new roommate til I get to go home. That will be fun, I think!


  1. Keep up the good work little one! We're thinking of you lots!

  2. I am so proud of you, You are a special girl. I am grandma C's friend in Mt.
    Keep getting better. Love you,
    KR in MT

  3. Hurrah for all the tubes gone, and I hope she gets to be moved to the other room so you get even more time with her. She looks so brave!
    Great job RK too, must be really hard going through all this stuff.
    Hugs fr the alps.

  4. Good going, Braska! We're all rooting for you!
    -Matt & Nico

  5. Keep up the great recovery Nebraska. I know that Daddy and Mommy are very proud of you. I look forward your daily updates and you are all in my Prayers! I'm so proud of you all.....

    Maybe someday Daddy and Mommy can bring you to Florida to see Mickey Mouse.. :-)
    God Bless!!

  6. Way to go Braska! I haven't even gotten to see you yet myself, so hopefully that will happen soon... maybe at church? :)


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